Founder of “One Community Rising”

Contact Me
Phone: 702.610.5176
My Story
Hello, and thank you for taking the time to get to know me a little better.
I was born in Provo Utah, January 5th, 1959. I am the third oldest of nine children.
I was raised in the Mormon Church. I was always a very inquisitive child and around age 12, I started to ask question regarding life and religion. I ask the questions; Is this the way it should be? Is this all there is in the world? Is this what everyone believes? The conclusion I came to was “NO”. From this point forward, I began to search for deeper meanings to all thing in my life. I am a very spiritual person but not a religious person. I learned there is a definite difference between being spiritual and being religious.
A life changing event occurred on my 16th birthday. On that day, my Grandfather passed away. Shortly afterwards, my Grandmother gave me a book entitled “Life Everlasting”. This opened what some refer to as Pandora’s box. I became fascinated with the afterlife,
From that time forward I read everything I could find about the afterlife, the dream world and out of body experiences, At one point in my early 20’s a friend asked me if I believed in reincarnation and my answer was “Oh absolutely not.” But as I studied and searched, my mind began to expand. I became so much more aware of the reality we live in.
In August of 2002, I married my husband on a beach in Maui, Hawaii. For the next several years LIFE WAS MAGICAL and beautiful. In 2010 my life fell apart. My husband Joedy and I had just built our dream home and we were doing everything we were taught to do. Then, the economy crashed, my husband lost his job, we lost our home and our idyllic lifestyle. And on top of that, my husband suffered a stroke. We were then forced to change everything about our life and move in with my sister. The next 3 years we spent rebuilding our life back to a new normal. My husbands recovery was difficult. He had to learn how to re-use his brain and body.
Just when things were getting somewhat back to our new normal and we were able to move from my sisters house into our own place, my husband got lung cancer. He was an only child and at that time we were caring for his mother too. But because he was sick and could not care for her it fell on me. I was very angry, resentful and down right pissed off for having this burden placed upon me. I would scream in my head….I DID NOT ASK FOR THIS!!!! Little did I know or understand at that time I did ask for this, all of it.
I searched diligently for answers during Joedy’s hopeful recovery. I talked to my spiritual team daily as I walked my dog in the desert. During this time, I had lots of time to think about my purpose in life and look at what I was truly grateful for. I began to question my purpose. This led me to discover the work of Dolores Cannon and her Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. I remember saying to my sister on day as we talked “if I could find the perfect job it would be talking with people and connecting soul to soul” and in 2015 I found that job and I was certified to conduct Dolores Cannons, QHHT, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. My favorite part of this healing method is connecting soul to soul with my clients. Nothing is by chance. I truly manifested this great healing modality into my life. Six months later I went to Arkansas and certified for level 2.
Alba Weinman has also been a Hugh teacher for me in this method, through watching her videos I have learned how to lovingly send these lost souls to the light with love and forgiveness. She steered me to Antonio Sangio who taught me how to work with releasing attachments and digging deeper into the emotional release of anger, fear, guilt, sadness and so many other emotions that plague us.
In 2016, I was still part of the corporate world. I worked full-time as a leadership trainer. The problem now was I wanted to do this work full-time. Having learned so much about the emotional state of our bodies and how we sometimes cause our own illness and what holds people back from realizing their GREATNESS, I knew this was where I was meant to be, spreading love and light and helping souls release these emotions that are stuck in their bodies. causing all this illness. I asked myself “how was I going to make this happen?” I had a husband fighting for his life and we still had bills to pay, I needed a steady income and insurance but I just knew I needed to trust the Universe and so I just put it out there.
I December of 2016, I got my answer from the Universe. Through a course of events, I was presented with the opportunity to retire from my corporate job and move into this beautiful world of healing and make this my full time reality.
I have an insatiable thirst for learning and living my life on purpose. I have an insatiable belief in the human spirit and a desire to make a difference in the world. With all of this, I know what my journey is meant to be. I am meant to Feed the Human Spirit and bring love, light and healing to the world and help lost souls find their greatness!!
My beautiful husband Joedy, passed away in June of 2018. I have been told through my higher council he has made the free will choice to be with me for a long time and guide me from the other side. I hear from him constantly through my clients as he visits during sessions.
I am so grateful for all that has happened, all of it. If my husband had not gotten sick I might not have gone looking for something more and I would not be on this amazing journey of love and healing. May he rest in peace and may I be receptive to his love and guidance from the other side for he is connected to me and with me always.
My spiritual awakening came through these events, all of them.
I have found my purpose.